Insolite : Quand la Russie porte plainte contre l’ouverture d’un “bar gay” en Finlande

>> Russia complains over ‘gay bar’ on president’s plot in Finland


La Russie vient d’engager une action en justice contre deux rappeurs suédois, après l’ouverture d’un “établissement gay” sur un terrain situé en Finlande, mais appartenant au Kremlin. Le consul Mikhaïl Zoubov a confirmé ce mercredi qu’une enquête était en cours.

Planté dans une forêt dans l’archipel d’Aland, dans la Baltique, le soi-disant “bar” est en réalité une fausse échoppe en bois avec des guirlandes lumineuses. Le troquet a été revendiqué par deux artistes qui voulaient protester contre la répression de l’homosexualité en Russie. Les deux hommes, Far & Son, ont expliqué au quotidien local Nya Åland l’avoir baptisé Blue Oyster en référence au bar gay de la série de comédies “Police Academy“.

“On a entendu que Poutine avait un terrain ici sur Åland. Alors nous avons décidé de monter le Blue Oyster”, a raconté Simon Gardenfors.



Une idée qui n’a pas non plus fait plaisir à la police finlandaise pour laquelle il s’agit d’une effraction sur une propriété privée. Les auteurs de l’infraction “auraient [ainsi] pénétré la propriété sans y être autorisé, construit quelque chose, et laissé derrière eux des détritus”. La police a “effectué des constatations sur le lieu de l’infraction”, a précisé cette dernière.

Selon les médias finlandais, la présidence russe détient ce terrain non construit, en bord de mer à Saltvik, en vertu de l’expropriation en 1947 de tous les Allemands en Finlande, en l’occurrence un couple de Germano-Finlandais, au profit de l’Union soviétique.


>> Police in Finland have received a complaint after two pranksters erected a makeshift gay bar based on the famous Blue Oyster from the Police Academy films to protest against Russia’s anti-gay laws.

The gay bar, a wooden structure hung with fairy lights and decorated with blue lettering, was built last weekend on a plot of land that belonged to the Russian presidency on the remote Åland archipelago, a Swedish-speaking region of Finland.

Pictures posted by the pranksters from the scene show people outside the bar, some clad in leather and wearing yellow builders’ helmets, with one couple kissing.

“This is pure hooliganism,” Russian consul Mikhail Zubov told Finnish news agency STT.

The bar, outside the village of Saltvik, has been erected by the Swedish comedy hip-hop duo Far & Son, who told local media they were doing it to protest against Russia’s gay propaganda law – which forbids the “promotion” of homosexuality – and a crackdown on gay rights in the country.

“We expected a bit more of a vigorous response from the Russians and that they would immediately send the Scud missiles into the gay bar, but it seems they can’t keep up with Far & Son,” the comedians told Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet. “They are simply cowards.”

Approximately 28,000 people live on the Åland Islands, but 90% of them reside on the largest island of Fasta. The archipelago lies between Finland and Sweden, but one uninhabited property is owned by the Russian presidency, having once been owned by a German-Finnish couple.

The waterfront plot became Russian property in 1947 under second world war peace treaties which saw all German-owned items given to the Soviet Union.

Åland police confirmed they had received a complaint about the incident on Sunday, and said the area belonged to the Russian state.

“The perpetrators forced their way into the area and built something, leaving their rubbish behind. The incident has attracted attention, including in the local media,” they said.

“This incident has been classed as trespassing, as well as some sanitation violations.

“Police have been in contact with the Russian consul and documented the crime scene.”

The crime could be punishable by up to three months in prison but Far & Son told Aftonbladet they were not afraid. “I think someone will build this again with cement next year. Then it will remain there forever.

“The Blue Oyster will be the only thing you can see from the moon, apart from the Great Wall of China. They will never take us alive.”