Diversité : L’univers de Star Wars va bientôt s’enrichir d’un personnage LGBT

>> Star Wars Gets First Official LGBT Character

La Force non plus ne fait pas de discrimination. L’univers de Star Wars va bientôt s’enrichir d’un personnage LGBT, dans le prochain roman de Paul S. Kemp (Lords of the Sith), une gradée lesbienne de l’armée impériale.

Moff Mors -« moff » désignant son titre au sein de la hiérarchie- y est décrite comme une leader « incroyable mais qui passe la plupart du roman à tenter de rattraper de graves erreurs pour éviter la catastrophe. »

lords_of_the_sithTechniquement, Moff Mors n’est pas le premier personnage homosexuel de l’univers Star Wars. Comme le rappelle Shelly Shapiro, éditrice de Lords of the Sith, dans un podcast, « il y a déjà eu un couple de Mandalorian gay (ndlr: dans le roman Legacy of the Force), donc ce n’est pas totalement nouveau ».

« Aujourd’hui, il y a énormément de diversité. Cela nous paraît naturel qu’il y en ait aussi dans Star Wars où vous pouvez observer des centaines d’espèces différentes », ajoute Shapiro.

À la manière de Marvel ou DC Comics qui ont progressivement intégré des super-héros homosexuels, la franchise Star Wars a abordé la question dans le jeu vidéo Knights of the Old Republic, en ajoutant un personnage féminin gay, Juhani, dont les interactions avec les autres personnages féminins étaient néanmoins minimales.

>> To quote Han Solo, “Here’s where the fun begins.” The Star Wars universe is getting its first official LGBT character in the franchise’s new canon, reports Big Shiny Robot.

The historic introduction will occur in writer Paul S. Kemp’s upcoming Star Wars novel Lords of the Sith, which is scheduled to be released April 28.

Big Shiny Robot describes the new character, Moff Mors, as “an Imperial who has made some very serious mistakes but she is an incredibly capable leader and spends much of the book working hard to prevent absolute failure. She also happens to be a lesbian.”

This is not the first time LGBT characters have popped up in a galaxy far, far away in some form. Video game developer Bioware recently added same-sex romance options for players in the online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Additionally, a subtle mention of two gay Mandalorian men in a committed relationship was previously referenced in the Legacy of the Force books, a series that was part of the Star Wars expanded universe. (That continuity has since been wiped clean since Disney took over the sprawling space saga.) However, this is the first introduction of an LGBT character that is officially a part of the Star Wars canon.

Dey Rey editor at large Shelly Shapiro, who is responsible for the Star Wars fiction line of books, spoke up about the need for greater diversity in the Star Wars universe shortly after news about the inclusion of an LGBT character to the story’s cannon was announced.  

« This is certainly the first [LGBT] character in canon, » Shapiro said on the Full of Sith podcast. « But there was a gay Mandalorian couple, so it’s not brand new. It’s not something I really think about, it just makes sense. There’s a lot of diversity — there should be diversity in Star Wars. You have all these different species and it would be silly to not also recognize that there’s a lot of diversity in humans. If there’s any message at all, it’s simply that Star Wars is as diverse (or more so because they have alien species) as humanity is in real life and we don’t want to pretend it’s not. It just felt perfectly natural. »

Le HuffPost