Quand la fille de R.Kelly fait son coming out trans

>> From Jaya To Jay: R Kelly and Drea’s Child Comes Out As Transgender

Décider de devenir un transgenre lorsque l’on a comme père l’un des chanteurs les plus connus au monde, ça ne doit pas être facile. Sur son compte facebook, la fille de R Kelly, Jaya a expliqué sa situation, son mal-être, ainsi que le soutien de sa famille : “Ma mère est très fière de moi, peu importe que je sois bi, gay, lesbienne ou transsexuel“.

Pour changer de sexe, le combat ne fait que commencer pour Jay et malgré son jeune âge, le jeune homme semble très mature. et tout à fait conscient que la route sera longue. “Je sais que je suis un garçon et je veux que l’on m’opère. Je veux avoir accès aux médicaments qui m’aideront à devenir ce que je suis vraiment.”

Si Andrea Kelly soutien donc la démarche de sa fille devenue fils, R.Kelly a lui donc du découvrir cet annonce il y a quelques jours et n’a toujours pas réagi officiellement. Les déclarations de Jay Kelly ont en tout cas fait le buzz sur tous les sites américains.

>> R Kelly and Drea Kelly’s youngest child is thirteen years old. Born biologically female, Jaya now identifies as Jay, a transgender male. Jay recently came out on Instagram publicly but says he has identified as male since he was six or seven years old.

As of about three months ago, Jay said his father is unaware of his transition and new identity but shared that his mother, “Hollywood Exes” star, Drea Kelly has been extremely supportive.

In Touch Weekly reports that Jay wrote on his Ask.fm page that when he told his mother of his identity she said, “‘Baby, you know I love you if you were bi, gay, you name it and I would still love you so much.’” For those who don’t know Ask.fm is a social media site where users can submit and answer questions from anyone with a profile.

Jay continued saying, “She was very proud of me, I was like ‘Thank you mum for accepting the fact that I’m transgender.’”

Jay says his sister had a similar response. “And the same with my sister, she told me that she was proud of me, and respects me by calling me handsome and calling me her little brother now, and I love her for that, so you know it was great for me.”

Jay got very personal sharing that he still has female organs and wears a binger on his chest but hopes to have surgery one day and start taking testosterone so he can become more comfortable in his skin.

He says, “I believe I am a boy and want surgery, and the medication to help me [become] who I was supposed to be.”

In a world where parents are disowning their children for far less, I’m happy to see that Jay has the support of his family. I’m sure this is not easy for him, especially since both of his parents have some level of fame right now. If there is any part of this story that makes you go “hmmm” it’s the fact that R Kelly didn’t know about this very big life moment going on with his child.