Invitée sur le plateau d’Ellen DeGeneres, Ellen Page revient sur son émouvant coming out

“Je n’avais jamais été aussi tendue de ma vie, à n’en pas douter. Je crois qu’en fait ma plus grande peur en faisant ça était de faire une crise de panique ! Mais j’étais prête et j’avais hâte de le faire”, a expliqué la jeune comédienne canadienne, avant d’ajouter :

“Je suis reconnaissante envers vous, Ellen, car vous l’avez fait à une époque où c’était beaucoup plus difficile et beaucoup plus flippant. (…) Je savais que ça me rendrait plus heureuse, que je me sentirais mieux après mais je n’avais pas anticipé toute la joie que ça m’a donné (…) Je me sentais coupable de ne pas être « out », je me sentais à l’écart de la communauté LGBT, plus maintenant.”

Je suis si fière de toi… pour ton coming-out, et si heureuse…” a répondu l’animatrice américaine, “Je sais à quel point c’était difficile. Ton discours était incroyable…”.

Pour mémo, Ellen Page avait ému presque toute la planète en révélant son homosexualité lors d’un événement LGBT organisé à Las Vegas :

“Je suis ici parce que je suis gay”, avait-elle lancé sous les applaudissements de l’assistance. “J’ai souffert pendant des années parce que j’avais peur de le dire. Mon esprit a souffert. Ma santé mentale a souffert. Mes relations amoureuses ont souffert. Je suis ici aujourd’hui avec vous tous de l’autre côté de cette douleur”, avait-elle ajouté, se disant “fatiguée de se cacher, de mentir par omission”.


>> During candid interview, Ellen DeGeneres congratulates an emotional Ellen Page for coming out
‘I’m so proud of you, so happy for you. I know what a scary thing that is’

For the second time this week, Ellen DeGeneres welcomed a newly out famous lesbian onto her daytime talk show and offered them public congratulations for coming out.

Just a few days after an appearance by Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts, Oscar-nominated actress Ellen Page dropped by to talk about her Valentine’s Day revelation.

‘I am so proud of you for coming out and I’m happy for you,’ DeGeneres told her guest. ‘I know what a scary thing that is. … It’s a scary thing to verbalize, to say it out loud.’

Page had verbalized her thoughts during what DeGeneres called an ‘incredible’ coming out speech at a Human Rights Campaign event in Las Vegas.

‘I think my biggest fear in doing it was having a panic attack, quite frankly,’ Page said of the speech. ‘I was just so ready to do it, and so excited to do it. So it was a combination of such thrill to be at a place in my life where I was able to do that, and grateful to have that moment, and grateful to you (Ellen), because you did it at a time when it was much harder and much scarier.’

DeGeneres came out in a Time Magazine cover story in 1997 at the same time that her character on her self-titled ABC sitcom came out. The show was canceled soon after.

Page grew a bit emotional when DeGeneres played a portion of her HRC speech and talked about the damaging effect of keeping your sexuality a secret.

‘It’s toxic. You think you’re at a place where you’re like, “Oh, I’m happy to be gay, I’m so comfortable being gay, I love being gay.” Honestly, it wasn’t until making that choice and doing that (speech) when I realized that, no, I was carrying a tremendous amount of shame and guilt for not being out, and felt isolated from the LGBT community.’

For the second time this week, Ellen DeGeneres welcomed a newly out famous lesbian onto her daytime talk show and offered them public congratulations for coming out.

Just a few days after an appearance by Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts, Oscar-nominated actress Ellen Page dropped by to talk about her Valentine’s Day revelation.

‘I am so proud of you for coming out and I’m happy for you,’ DeGeneres told her guest. ‘I know what a scary thing that is. … It’s a scary thing to verbalize, to say it out loud.’

Page had verbalized her thoughts during what DeGeneres called an ‘incredible’ coming out speech at a Human Rights Campaign event in Las Vegas.

‘I think my biggest fear in doing it was having a panic attack, quite frankly,’ Page said of the speech. ‘I was just so ready to do it, and so excited to do it. So it was a combination of such thrill to be at a place in my life where I was able to do that, and grateful to have that moment, and grateful to you (Ellen), because you did it at a time when it was much harder and much scarier.’

DeGeneres came out in a Time Magazine cover story in 1997 at the same time that her character on her self-titled ABC sitcom came out. The show was canceled soon after.

Page grew a bit emotional when DeGeneres played a portion of her HRC speech and talked about the damaging effect of keeping your sexuality a secret.

‘It’s toxic. You think you’re at a place where you’re like, “Oh, I’m happy to be gay, I’m so comfortable being gay, I love being gay.” Honestly, it wasn’t until making that choice and doing that (speech) when I realized that, no, I was carrying a tremendous amount of shame and guilt for not being out, and felt isolated from the LGBT community.’

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For the second time this week, Ellen DeGeneres welcomed a newly out famous lesbian onto her daytime talk show and offered them public congratulations for coming out.

Just a few days after an appearance by Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts, Oscar-nominated actress Ellen Page dropped by to talk about her Valentine’s Day revelation.

‘I am so proud of you for coming out and I’m happy for you,’ DeGeneres told her guest. ‘I know what a scary thing that is. … It’s a scary thing to verbalize, to say it out loud.’

Page had verbalized her thoughts during what DeGeneres called an ‘incredible’ coming out speech at a Human Rights Campaign event in Las Vegas.

‘I think my biggest fear in doing it was having a panic attack, quite frankly,’ Page said of the speech. ‘I was just so ready to do it, and so excited to do it. So it was a combination of such thrill to be at a place in my life where I was able to do that, and grateful to have that moment, and grateful to you (Ellen), because you did it at a time when it was much harder and much scarier.’

DeGeneres came out in a Time Magazine cover story in 1997 at the same time that her character on her self-titled ABC sitcom came out. The show was canceled soon after.

Page grew a bit emotional when DeGeneres played a portion of her HRC speech and talked about the damaging effect of keeping your sexuality a secret.

‘It’s toxic. You think you’re at a place where you’re like, “Oh, I’m happy to be gay, I’m so comfortable being gay, I love being gay.” Honestly, it wasn’t until making that choice and doing that (speech) when I realized that, no, I was carrying a tremendous amount of shame and guilt for not being out, and felt isolated from the LGBT community.’

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