Député anti-gay dans le Missouri, il prône les valeurs du mariage mais n’hésite pas à tromper sa femme

>> Married Anti-Gay Republican Lawmaker Caught Sexting College Intern: ‘God I Want You Right Now


Marié, père de trois enfants, John Diehl, Président de la Chambre des représentants de l’État du Missouri, est un de ces féroces opposants aux droits des femmes de disposer de leur corps ou encore à l’égalité et qui, sous prétexte de la religion, auront multiplié ces derniers temps les procédures et amendements pour interdire explicitement le mariage homosexuel dans leur législation ou constitution.
Et pourtant, le très vertueux John Diehl, républicain de 49 ans, n’hésite pas à transgresser ses valeurs morales lorsqu’il s’agit d’approfondir des relations extra-conjugales avec les petites stagiaires et étudiantes :

house-speaker-text-digitalLa jeune fille : “Tu as intérêt à bien t’occuper de moi…”
JD : “C’est à dire ?”
La jeune fille : “Tu le sais bien…”
JD : “J’ignorais que tu étais insatisfaite…”
La jeune fille : “Tu as assuré mais j’en attends davantage…”
JD : “Dis m’en plus ?… T’inquiète, tu es entre de bonnes mains…”
“Dieu, ce que j’ai envie de te prendre là maintenant…”
La jeune fille : “J’aimerais bien que tu prennes maintenant…”
JD : “Sympas ta photo… coquine, je suis sur mon lit et je pense à toi, j’en veux plus…”…

C’est le journal The Star qui a dévoilé les échanges érotiques que l’élu a d’abord réfuté, avant de se rétracter devant le scandale et confirmer dans un communiqué : “Je reconnais avoir fait preuve d’une grave erreur de jugement en adressant ces textos. Je le regrette sincèrement. C’est souvent ce que répètent les politiques dans ma situation, sans pour autant en accepter les conséquences. Mais, je suis prêt à endosser mes responsabilités.”

John Diehl a donc décidé de ne pas à compromettre davantage ses collaborateurs et la réputation de son parti, et vient de présenter sa démission.


>> Multiple sources helped The Star confirm that the screenshots of the texts, which show Diehl’s business cellphone number, originated from the intern’s smartphone.

The text conversations also included photographs of each of them. And others who know Diehl well said they recognized the language and tone of the conversations from their own text exchanges with him.

The discovery of the text messages between Diehl and the intern follows a decision by Missouri Southern State University to end its Capitol internship program more than a month prematurely.

Below are some of their naughty text exchanges:
Her: “You better take care of me.”

Diehl: “Like how?”

Her: “I’ll bet you’ll figure it out.”

Diehl: “I dunno. You have always been disappointed;)”

Her: “I just have high expectations, I guess. Thus far, you’ve done pretty well (an emoji blows a kiss)”

Diehl: “:). I kinda want to hear what you are expecting”

Then, shortly after, he types: “You will be in good hands :)”

At one point Diehl texts her “God I want you right now,” to which she replies “I wish you could have me right now.”

In another exchange, she sends a picture of herself in a bikini and Diehl responds: “Damn girl …”


Shortly after he writes: “I want to see more” followed by a smiling emoji.

Another exchange centered on Diehl texting that he was “Laying in bed looking at your pic :)”

She responded: “Mmmmm why can’t I be there :)”

NCRM adds:
Speaker Diehl, who is married and has three sons, reportedly had been made aware b the Star of the texts weeks ago, and repeatedly broke appointments to discuss them, and ignored requests for interviews about them.

Joe Jervis reports that “the Missouri affiliate of the Family Research Council celebrated GOP House Speaker John Diehl after he filed an anti-gay marriage amicus brief with the Eighth Circuit Court,” and had “sponsored a bill to ban gay-straight alliance clubs in public schools.”

The Missouri Family Policy Council praised Diehl “for demonstrating moral leadership and true integrity in standing up for the sacred institution of marriage and the family values of the people of Missouri,” as Right Wing Watch reports. “The state affiliate of the Southern Baptist Convention thanked him for ‘fighting to defend biblical marriage.’”