Vidéo virale. Agression homophobe, “sabordée” par des passager, à l’aéroport de Dallas

>> Airport Passengers Break Up Homophobic Attack

L’homme est relativement ivre et semble déjà bien remonté. Il profère depuis quelques instants des injures et menace l’un des passagers au guichet d’enregistrement parce que la couleur “rose” de son “t-shirt”. L’ambiance est indifférente, malgré la présence des agents de sécurité notamment, et la “victime” essaie tant bien que mal d’intimider l’agresseur en filmant la scène… jusqu’à ce qu’un autre passager, plutôt courageux finalement, interpelle également l’individu : “Mais qu’est-ce qui vous dérange autant ?”

Agression-homophobe,-filmée-et-'avortée'-de-justesse,-en-plein-aéroport-international-de-Fort-Worth-à-Dallas“Ce sont les tarlouzes qui me dérangent… comme ce pédé juste là devant moi !” insiste le personnage en pointant du doigt le “passager en t-shirt rose”, avant de lui asséner sournoisement un coup de pied violent entre les jambes. La “victime” s’effondre mais la foule réagit et l’homme est rapidement maîtrisé. Et, lorsque les deux policiers “afro-américains” qui lui passent les menottes, lui demandent de se justifier sur son comportement, tandis qu’il continue de menacer le premier passager en souriant, il répond :

“Vous voulez vraiment que je vous dise la raison pour laquelle je l’ai agressé ? Parce que nous sommes en Amérique, voilà pourquoi. La même raison pour laquelle vous arrivez à vivre, à respirer et à marcher en tant que noirs”. Avec sous-entendus racistes qui vont tristement souvent de pair. La consommation abusive d’alcool, en guise d’anxiolytique, pour accroître ses tensions émotionnelles ? Il a fini en taule !

Terrence Katchadourian

Pour voir la vidéo dans son intégralité mais en diffusion filtrée :

>> An angry man was caught on video last week attacking a fellow passenger at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, apparently because he thought the man was gay. But then, a group of bystanders, including a man in a cowboy hat, quickly took action to bring the man down, according to the video.

WARNING: The video, and description below, contain some NSFW language.

Before the fight, the man in the cowboy hat tries to intervene.

“What are you upset about?” he asks.

“Queers is what I’m upset about!” the homophobic man shouts, gesturing wildly at a traveler wearing a pink shirt. “This faggot right here.”

Then, as shown in the video, he kicks and hits the traveler in the pink shirt as the crowd springs into action.

Once the ranting man is pinned down, airport police take over.

At one point, the suspect smiles and laughs while he lies on the ground as the officers cuff him. At another, he apparently tries to explain himself.

“Let me tell you the reason why I did it: Because this is America, that’s why,” he tells the two black officers, adding something that sounds like “the same reason you get to live and breathe and walk black.”

He also repeatedly threatens the traveler in the pink shirt, even as he’s being cuffed.

DFW confirmed the arrest but offered no details to the Dallas Morning News. WFAA said it was unable to obtain a police report in which the man is identified.

“That guy was crazy, absolutely crazy,” says the person who recorded the video and identified himself as Andrew Kennedy, “just in case this goes viral.”

Then Kennedy asks his brother, Neal Kennedy, to weigh in on what they saw.

“We saw a very troubled man,” Neal Kennedy says. “We hope that he was under the influence of some kind of substance — because if he wasn’t and that’s his true personality then he’s going to have a very long road in front of him.”

Update: An earlier version of this story noted that had reported actor Paul Rudd was part of the group that took down the homophobic bully. However, it apparently was not Rudd.