Un couple homosexuel agressé «à coups de chaise» dans un bar-restaurant new-yorkais

>> Gay Couple Assaulted at Dallas BBQ in Chelsea


Jonathan Snipes et Ethan York-Adams s’étaient calés une soirée sympa dans l’un de ses restaurants grillades qui font la renommée du quartier de Chelsea, à l’ouest de Manhattan. Plutôt résidentiel et relativement «friendly». Mais ce soir du 5 mai, Jonathan va recevoir un texto de sa famille pour lui annoncer un décès. Dérouté, le jeune homme se lève précipitamment pour sortir quelques minutes prendre l’air et lorsqu’il rejoint son compagnon, Jonathan trébuche, encore dans le vague, et renverse accidentellement le verre d’un autre client qui l’observait déjà d’une table voisine.

Jonathan-Snipes-et-Ethan-York-Adams«Petite pédale blanche qui renverse le verre des autres» lui balance alors sournoisement l’individu.

Jonathan a dû mal à laisser passer. Mais, il n’a guère le temps de s’approcher que l’inconnu, largement supérieur physiquement, lui décroche un revers avant de le maîtriser au sol à coups de pieds, en lui écrasant le corps, le visage… Il va même y perdre une dent !

Tout est si prématuré que la salle a du mal à comprendre. Mais sous la pression, le suspect finit par s’arrêter. Jonathan essaie alors de se relever, aidé par son compagnon, mais l’homme revient par derrière pour fracasser une chaise en bois sur Ethan, avant de s’enfuir.

Sur la chaîne locale 7online, un témoin assure : «J’ai assisté à une véritable séance de torture, sur un torrent d’injures homophobes. Je ne sais vraiment pas comment celui qui a reçu la chaise a survécu !»

Le suspect a également été filmé à l’entrée du restaurant par une caméra de l’établissement. Une enquête est ouverte et sur internet les amis du couple se sont mobilisés dans l’espoir de retrouver l’individu. Mais, si pour tous, le caractère homophobe de l’agression ne fait aucun doute, la police de New York n’a pourtant pas retenu le motif de «haine en raison de l’orientation sexuelle».



Le conseiller municipal Corey Johnson a cependant déclaré dans un communiqué, «être consterné et très en colère face à cette violence haineuse contre la communauté LGBT», invitant instamment quiconque ayant des informations sur l’affaire à contacter son service (au 646-610-6806) :

«Chelsea est un endroit reconnu dans le monde entier, notamment pour son ouverture, et c’est d’autant plus scandaleux. Nous devons appliquer une tolérance zéro à l’égard des crimes haineux. Ce sont les plus insidieux.»

Terrence Katchadourian


>> A stop for maragaritas on Cinco de Mayo turned sour for a gay couple, who say they were the victims of an antigay assault.

Jonathan Snipes, 32, and Ethan York-Adams, 25, told DNAinfo they were attacked Tuesday night at Dallas BBQ in Chelsea, a Manhattan neighborhood that has long been considered a safe haven for LGBT people.

Snipes said the incident occurred around 11 p.m. after he accidentally knocked over a drink while leaving the restaurant. He had just received a text message informing him there was a death in his family, which was why he was departing with haste.

« A table near us audibly started making pretty gross comments about the two of us like, ‘White faggots, spilling drinks,' » Snipes said.

Snipes said he approached the diners about the antigay slur, at which point a man stood up and began to attack him, knocking him to the floor, kicking his head and spine, and shouting, « Take that, faggot. » Snipes said his head was bruised and one of his teeth were knocked loose in the attack.

A graphic Instagram video captured the second half of the attack. After the initial assault, York-Adams helped his partner to a table, but then the man came up from behind and hit them both with a chair.

A longer YouTube video of the melee shows a crowd of people shouting and attempting to restrain the attacker, who exits the Eighth Avenue restaurant after throwing the piece of furniture.

« These guys attacked us specifically because they knew we weren’t their type of people, » he said.

The witness who recorded the scene : « I grabbed my phone because I thought this was a silly little argument with two guys. I thought, this will be funny, let’s record, » the witness said. « Then all that happened, and I thought, keep recording because nothing like this should ever happen. I’ve never seen anything like this in all my years. »

He was seated just a few feet away when the altercation quickly erupted into a series of kicks and punches being thrown at one of the victims.

« Stood up, dropped him and then proceeded to stomp on his head. Everyone’s trying to get the guy off him, » the witness said.

The fight was temporarily broken up only for the suspect to return with a chair just moments later, striking the other victim over the head.

« People were trying to break it up, but once that chair went, once that guy was hit with the chair, he was out. And the restaurant pretty much cleared after that, » said the man who recorded the video. « He could have killed that guy. The guy could have been completely dead. I don’t know if he was homophobic and in the wrong place. »

There are no arrests and the investigation is ongoing.

In a written statement, New York City Councilman Corey Johnson said, « I am appalled and angered by the senseless act of anti-LGBT hate violence that was perpetrated last night at a restaurant in my district. The fact that this attack took place in the neighborhood of Chelsea, a place known around the world for its acceptance of all people, is particularly outrageous. There must be zero tolerance of hate crimes, the most insidious of crimes as they target entire communities of people. I urge the perpetrators of this act to turn themselves in immediately. My office is in communication with the New York Police Department and the NYC Anti Violence Project. I urge anyone with information about this case to contact Crime Stoppers at 646-610-6806 ».