Double coming-out familial : Il dévoile à sa mère qu’il aime les garçons mais surprise…

>> When A Teen Comes Out To His Mother, She Comes Out To Him In Return

Hayden Smith ne s’y attendait pas. Quelque peu angoissé, cet adolescent australien prépare tout l’attirail pour immortaliser sa “révélation”. Il cache sa caméra, insiste pour que sa mère vienne le retrouver dans sa chambre, et il lui annonce qu’il aime les garçons. Mais, surprise…

“Tu es homosexuel ? Ce n’est vraiment pas un problème. C’est d’ailleurs même très courageux d’avoir décidé de me le dire”, répond la maman qui constate assez rapidement que son fils est embarrassé. Tu sais, ce n’est pour ça que je vais moins t’aimer. Tu comprends ? Tu restes mon petit garçon. Tu es toujours mon fils.
Et puis, tu veux que te confie également un secret ? Puisque tu as fait le premier pas pour m’en parler, je vais te le dire : Moi aussi, j’ai eu une petite amie.”

Oups. Hayden tombe des nues. Si l’adolescent était d’humeur maussade, pour le coup… le doublé est considérable. Qui l’aurait envisagé ?

“Je n’en ai jamais parlé parce que j’appréhendais tes réactions. Mais, tu te souviens quand papa et toi plaisantiez sur Marilyn et moi ? Et bien…”

Quelques minutes d’intimité qui peuvent changer la vie. Postée par Hayden en novembre 2013, la vidéo refait surface depuis quelques jours… L’occasion d’en reparler.

Terrence Katchadourian

>> In light of the coming out horror stories that have been making the news, this video is a welcome change of pace. Not only does this gay teen’s mother tell him she loves and accepts him just as he is, she confides in him that she has had a girlfriend.

Hayden Smith posted his “Coming out of the closet” video in Nov. 2013. Smith, who is believed to be Australian, secretly set up his camera before calling his mother into the room.

When she enters, Smith asks her to shut the door. Immediately after taking a seat, he says “I’m gay” and reveals his secret has been a painful emotional weight for a long time.

Smith’s mother is supportive and understanding of the news.

“That’s very brave of you to tell me that. Thank you for telling me. It doesn’t make me love you any less at all,” she says.

The pair continue to speak about Smith’s apparent anger from keeping his sexual orientation a secret. Smith’s mother reassures him that she is okay with him being gay.

At the five-minute mark of the clip, things take an unexpected turn. Smith’s mother reveals her own secret.

“Can I tell you something too? Since you’ve opened up to me, I’ll tell you a little secret too. I’ve had a girlfriend,” the mother says.

She continues to say it was before she got married to his father, who has since passed away.

The resurfaced 2013 video has since received more than 130,000 views on Youtube. Smith wrote two months ago “Me and my mum have that kind of relationship playful.”