Parano Homophobe : Elle tabasse son fils de 4 ans à mort, persuadée qu’il sera gay

Un papa plus une maman c’est élémentaire ?! Sauf pour Zachary, 4 ans, tabassé à mort par sa mère qui craignait d’avoir à élever un “homosexuel”.

>> Jessica Dutro murder trial: Motive for Tigard killing was 4-year-old’s perceived homosexuality, prosecutors say

Jessica Dutro, 25 ans, est accusée du meurtre de son fils, qu’elle soupçonnait d’homosexualité :

« Il parle comme un homosexuel, il marche comme un homosexuel » c’est d’ailleurs ce qu’elle a expliqué devant le tribunal à Washington.

Avant de l’agresser, elle avait d’abord demandé de l’aide à son compagnon, Brian Canady, lui expliquant ses doutes.
Fruit de son imagination et paranoïa homophobe : Il faut “régler” le problème ! Comment ? En le violentant évidemment, brutalement si possible pour lui ôter toute envie de “dévier”. Peu importe que ce soit son fils. Jessica est “incapable” d’avoir à “supporter” un futur homosexuel dans sa maison. Après une bonne séances de tortures et coups de pieds, inconscient le petit garçon a été emmené aux urgences. Malheureusement, deux jours plus tard, il a succombé à ses blessures.

Terrence Katchadourian

>> Jessica Dutro believed her 4-year-old son, Zachary Dutro-Boggess was gay, prosecutors told the court Wednesday, and that was her motive for subjecting him to deadly beatings.

Dutro, charged with murder, murder by abuse and second-degree assault, is on trial in Washington County Circuit Court.

Emergency crews brought Zachary to a Portland hospital Aug. 14, 2012, where doctors determined he was dying from trauma to his abdomen that caused tears in his bowel. He was taken off life support two days later.

After jurors were released for the day Wednesday, Judge Don Letourneau ruled that a Facebook message from Dutro to her boyfriend was admissible evidence.

Prosecutor Megan Johnson argued the message established Dutro’s motive for inflicting on Zachary a pattern of torture and abuse. Authorities say Dutro assaulted three of her children, but Zachary received the brunt of the violence.

In the message, Dutro told her boyfriend, Brian Canady, that Zachary was “facing the wall” because he had made her mad.

Her son was going to be gay, she wrote, using a slur. “He walks and talks like it. Ugh.”

Canady would have to “work on” Zachary, she wrote.

Canady pleaded guilty earlier this month to first-degree manslaughter and second-degree assault in the boy’s death.

Letourneau further ruled that web searches thought to be done by Dutro would also be admissible evidence.

Prosecutors say on Aug. 16, 2012, the day Zachary’s life support was terminated, Dutro searched terms such as anger management and parenting classes. She also searched listings for free stuff and sex with strangers, they said.