Royaume-Uni : Deux jeunes homosexuels roués de coups par des individus en “tutus roses”

>> Tutu-wearing thugs hunted by police for shocking homophobic attack on passers-by outside YMCA

Les faits se sont déroulés samedi dernier dans la ville de Surbiton, près de Londres, en Angleterre. Après un flot d’insultes homophobes, les deux jeunes, âgés de 18 et 21 ans, ont été tabassés devant l’auberge où ils résidaient, par les deux hommes, âgés d’une trentaine d’années, physiquement plutôt imposants, et qui portaient des tutus roses.

Les individus, accompagnés de trois jeunes femmes, ont pris la fuite. Une enquête est en cours, la police a d’ailleurs qualifié l’agression de “crime de haine” et le père de Robbie Kingsford, l’une des deux victimes, a lancé un appel à témoins sur Facebook pour retrouver les agresseurs.

Terrence Katchadourian

>> Two thugs wearing pink tutus are being hunted by police after launching a savage homophobic attack on passers-by outside a YMCA.

The men were sitting outside the hostel with three women in the early hours when they began hurling gay abuse at their two victims, aged 18 and 21.

The attackers approached the two men and punched one before kicking and stamping on the other, who had fallen to the floor while trying to intervene.

The victim who was punched suffered minor facial injuries, while the other – named by a local newspaper as Robbie Kingsford, 21, after his father Brian posted an appeal for witnesses and a picture of his son’s injuries on Facebook – was taken to hospital with head injuries and was later discharged.

The attack in Surbiton, Surrey, on Saturday morning, is being treated as a homophobic hate crime, although no arrests have yet been made.

The first suspect is described as a short, white man, in his late twenties, with fair hair, shaven and a muscular build and was wearing a pink tutu.